Ioan Dumitru

Associate Professor Ioan DUMITRU

„Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași
Faculty of Physics, Department of Physics & CARPATH
Laboratory of Magnetic Materials for Technological Application
Bd. Carol I, nr. 11, Iasi, 700506, Romania

Phone and Fax + 40 232 201174
E-mail: idumitru{a}

– Numerical methods and simulation in physics
– Systems of data acquisition and data processing

Research experience:
– high frequency measurements and characterization of materials
– modeling of microwave devices: dielectric resonators, filters,devices with gyromagnetic materials
– modeling and simulation in magnetism and magnetic materials
– Ferromagnetic resonance FMR, EPR
– Magnetic measurements using VSM, SQUID, PPMS including cryogenic and high-magnetic field techniques
– Electron microscopy SEM
– Electrodeposition techniques, photolithography and thin film growth by dc-magnetron sputter deposition, e-beam

Papers in ISI journals: 62
Sum of the times cited: 375
h-index: 12